Ape Beverages to Feature Bored Apes


Over time, the Bored Ape Yacht Club has transcended being just a top NFT collection and has become a pop culture staple, appearing on everything from phone cases to Rolling Stone covers. Now, it is making yet another appearance, this time on canned water. 

As has been announced by Ape Beverages, its new Ape Water product is due to hit the market soon and the cans will bear the all-too-familiar symbol of a Bored Ape. These cans can be ordered from their website from September 22, 2022

Refresh with Bored Apes

Dubbing itself ‘The first sustainable water beverage of Web 3.0’, the canned water product leans heavily on its eco-friendly element as well as its affiliation with the Bored Ape Club. Speaking of the BAYC, it has become quite popular for people to license out their apes for commercial purposes. 

This is because owning a Bored Ape asset also comes with the copyright of the image and likeness of the Ape in question, along with the right to profit off this likeness. This is why we are seeing more Bored Apes appearing on both consumer goods and in the media (think Seth Green’s upcoming TV show that stars his own ape). 

As time goes by, we’ll be seeing more of the apes, both on and off water cans.

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