ATP inks deal with Artchild for the 2023 Nitto ATP Finals


Artchild has formed a partnership with the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) in view of the 2023 Nitto ATP Finals, which will be held in Turin. This collaboration shall center on the convergence of tennis aficionados and digital collectibles. The patrons will be granted the opportunity to personalize both their physical and digital posters.

Honor Titus, a highly regarded artist residing in Los Angeles, substantially contributed to this initiative. His prominence has been established in the realm of tennis-related visuals that have garnered the attention of corporations around the world. The conceptual framework he has developed for the foundational poster is undeniably captivating. It embodies the extensive heritage of tennis. Tennis devotees will have the capability to express their artistic sensibilities through the utilization of the digital platform rendered available by Artchild.

As Titus puts it, the game’s illustrious history and the refined manner in which it is executed enable him to express his creative inclinations more prominently. Elegant and composure are qualities that, in his opinion, the game demands of artistic individuals.

Tennis aficionados contribute significantly to the sport of tennis. With this in mind, Artchild’s partnership with ATP will guarantee that they do not merely offer ordinary sports collectibles.

In relation to the NFT release, they are soliciting the support of enthusiasts who are interested in personalizing the posters using the artistic abilities of Titus. This will facilitate the creation of an individualized memento associated with their preferred sport. The posters are undergoing refinement in accordance with NFTs that have been issued on the Polygon Network. This phenomenon unifies traditional and digital collectibles.

To accommodate tennis enthusiasts, the acquisition process for the limited-edition posters has been streamlined. Guests may acquire physical copies of the posters and an NFT for a payment of $50, in addition to any expenses associated with transportation, during the duration of the tournament. For individuals participating in singles competitions, they will have the privilege of designing their own designs to be auctioned off for charitable purposes. The funds acquired will be allocated to environmentally sustainable initiatives in Turin.

It should be noted that this does not represent ATP’s inaugural foray into the digital realm. Prior to this, ATP was instrumental in establishing a partnership with Art Blocks and renowned artist Martin Grasser in order to release the “Love” digital creative series. The adoption of Web3 technologies by ATP indicates the increasing propensity of sports-related enterprises to transition to the digital realm.

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