Aurory Moves Things up a Gear with a Slew of Summer Updates


Outstanding Solana based NFT RPG romp, Aurory, has unveiled a series of incredible updates making a beeline for its well-polished platform this summer. In the near future, gamers will see the project go cross chain, engage with stunning new art, and witness the game hub get a shiny new revamp.

Since the NFT market got a little shaky, some NFT gaming companies have remained in perpetual development. Seemingly waiting for the opportune moment to launch their titles while the going is hot, and crypto is once again the talk of the town. Not Aurory however, which, come rain or shine has continued soldiering on with its flagship platform, regardless of the market climate, or the mad rumblings of crypto Twitter.

Through this constant drive to innovate and engage, Aurory has risen as a powerhouse in NFT gaming. One that effectively now stands on its own merit and is not held up by the pillars of market volatility. So, it’s not unexpected then, that while traditional NFT projects like Azuki are up in flames, Aurory has unveiled a series of magnificent updates.

Aurory to Travel Beyond its Familiar Solana Surroundings

Part of Aurory’s intriguing round of platform enhancements will see it travel beyond the confines of its Solana home. So far, the team has remained tight lipped with regards to the specific network it will engage with. However, wheat we do know is it will exist on the Ethereum Virtual Machine, and launch some time in July.

What’s more, Aurory has also revealed that it will also cross the threshold of traditional gaming by merging with some legacy Web2 platforms. Effectively, broadening its reach to encompass the many facets of the video gaming community.

In addition to these major milestones, the Aurory team has announced a major upgrade to its NFT artwork, with an option for holders to upgrade their character. While a new game hub and customization feature for ‘non-Aurorians’ is also on the cards.

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