Bandai Namco Launches RYUZO Virtual Pet NFT Game


Prominent video game creator Bandai Namco has teamed up with Oasys blockchain to launch RYUZO, an exciting AI-powered virtual pet game centered on NFT-based digital creatures named RYU. This collaborative effort, developed by Bandai Namco Research in partnership with Japanese startup Attructure and published by Double Jump.

RYUZO combines the nostalgia of virtual pets with cutting-edge technology and aims to transform the gaming industry with its unique blend of AI-driven interactions and blockchain-based ownership of digital creatures.

The Genesis of RYUZO

Before its official launch, RYUZO distributed 10,000 digital NFT eggs, also known as MARYU, to holders of Oasys’ initial NFT series. These eggs served as the foundation for the evolution of the RYUs within the game. 

As players interact with and nurture their digital creatures, the RYUs develop distinct personalities and abilities, making each virtual pet a unique and dynamic experience.

Evolutionary Gameplay

RYUZO offers an innovative gaming experience where RYUs evolve into soulbound tokens, meaning they are tied to their original wallets and cannot be transferred or sold. This feature ensures secure ownership and authenticity of the digital creatures, enhancing the value of players’ virtual pets. 

The game encourages players to engage in various activities with their RYUs, including racing and participating in AI-driven challenges to acquire new skills. Through artificial intelligence, RYUZO’s virtual pets continue to learn and grow, forging deeper connections with players over time.

Major Gaming Companies Embrace Blockchain

The launch of RYUZO marks a significant milestone in the gaming industry as major companies like Bandai Namco enter the NFT and blockchain space. 

Renowned for creating iconic titles like Elden Ring, Pac-Man, and Tekken, Bandai Namco’s involvement in RYUZO underscores the growing importance of blockchain technology in mainstream gaming. 

This partnership signifies a potential shift in the gaming industry’s trajectory as more game developers and publishers explore the potential of blockchain and NFTs to offer new and immersive gaming experiences.

Ensuring Security and Ownership

As RYUZO’s virtual pets evolve into soulbound tokens, concerns arise about digital ownership and the potential resale value of these unique creatures. 

While the non-transferable nature of soulbound tokens provides a secure sense of ownership for players, it also raises questions about future developments in the NFT market and how players’ investments in virtual pets may be affected. 

The gaming community eagerly anticipates further updates from Oasys and Bandai Namco on these aspects to ensure transparency and confidence in the evolving landscape of blockchain-based gaming.


With RYUZO’s launch, Bandai Namco and Oasys have demonstrated the power of blending AI and blockchain technology to create an immersive and novel gaming experience. 

As RYUZO continues to evolve and players nurture their unique virtual pets, the game’s success and the growing interest from major gaming companies indicate a bright future for blockchain-based gaming. 

However, the industry must address security, ownership, and ethical considerations as the world of NFTs and blockchain gaming continues to evolve. Gamers and enthusiasts alike eagerly anticipate how RYUZO and future projects will shape the gaming landscape and define the future of virtual pet gaming.

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