Beosin partners with Lemonchain to secure the blockchain ecosystem


Beosin is extremely pleased and takes enormous pleasure in announcing that they have officially formed a mutually beneficial partnership with Lemonchain. With this very partnership being set in position, it is both of the entities’ prime aim and intention to get actively involved in the speeding up of matters related to risk management, where digital assets are concerned. They will also be looking into effectively upgrading all matters pertaining to overall security-related issues in the blockchain ecosystem.

To better understand just how well thought out this partnership really is, it becomes necessary to delve a little further into what these two individual entities entail. Beosin is an absolute top-of-the-line blockchain security firm that has been co-founded by a posse of professors selected from globally famous and prime universities. There is also the factor of more than forty PhDs in the fold. It also happens to be spread out over many countries. The primary priority of the firm is securing the blockchain ecosystem. The secondary line of the action happens to be in offering blockchain security solutions in matters of Contract Audit, Risk monitoring and Alert, KYT/AML, and trading in crypto.

On the other hand, the Lemonchain project has the vision to build a new and fresh concept related to healthcare data asset networks. This is achieved by adequately addressing the issues related to the obstacles that come in the way of making relevant associations where the blockchain healthcare industry is concerned.

Its further endeavor is developing lifecycle healthcare with the proper utilization of regulated data. In the present scenario, and through this coming together, their collective game plan is to make landmark changes in the overall blockchain arena. With the help of their individual lines of expertise, they will now be in a better position to provide far better blockchain technology solutions coupled with blockchain security technology for all users.

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