Bitcoin (BTC) to USDT chart over the 1 hour timeframe


Hello everyone, let’s take a look at the Bitcoin (BTC) to USDT chart over the 1 hour timeframe. As you can see, the price is moving below the local downtrend line.

Let’s start with the designation of the support line and as you can see the first support in the near future is $ 18,556, if the support breaks down, the next support is $ 18,410 and $ 18,293.

Now let’s move from the resistance line as you can see the first resistance is $ 18,784, if you can break it the next resistance will be $ 18,840 and $ 19,004.


Looking at the CHOP indicator, we can see that the energy has been used up in the 4-hour interval, and the MACD indicator shows a local downward trend.

Disclaimer: Technical Analysis is provided by a third party, and for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

Credit: Source link

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