Crypto Relief receives $100M from Vitalik Buterin & Sandeep Nailwal


Crypto Relief, a community-run fund delivering relief, recently received a $100 million grant from Vitalik Buterin. This was announced by Vitalik while acknowledging that the project was jointly discussed with Sandeep Nailwal. Vitalik added that they agreed that follow-through funds were indeed necessary to keep the program going at a better pace.

The current $100 million funding from Vitalik follows the earlier $100 million allocation by the project and Sandeep. Many other high-impact projects were also a part of the discussion between Vitalik and Sandeep. The current allocation will be done under Kanro with the multisig, and funds will be disbursed soon.

Vitalik, in the announcement, has said that pandemics like Covid-19 are a global problem and not just a region-specific problem. The airborne pandemic requires detailed technological research to come up with innovative solutions. It is only through sufficient funds that the said work can be carried out to prevent, control, and cure the Covid-19 pandemic or any other pandemic that may come up in the future.

Moreover, the scientific implementation of the solutions will take center stage as the research work gains momentum. Crypto Relief is doing its best to make funds available. Making It evident is the fact that the work in India has become a key part of the solution now. It requires a global approach to integration. There are enough reasons to believe that Crypto Relief, led by Snadeep Nailwal, will assist in making that a reality.

Vitalik has further stated in the announcement that it is crucial to focus on health solutions that pay heed to everyone’s freedom and rights. Also, accessibility will be a concern under the focus. Simply put, 

Vitalik has extended commitment for:

  • Bringing out open & transparent solutions that aid the infrastructure work of the medical industry
  • Maximal viable open-source project funded by Vitalik & the team

Projects funded will look to improve ventilation, HEPA filtering, and experimental tech. The idea is based on the assumption that Covid is airborne and a long-term solution is possible only if these measures are taken up.

Having said that, Covid has indeed come with effects that last for a longer time. Many patients have started complaining about persistent side effects after recovering from Covid. Patients are, as said in the announcement, in large numbers. It has been, therefore, suggested that the medical teams look into the viral persistence as the deep cause of Long Covid.

Crypto Relief has already put in 90M USDC via the $SHIB donation. Vitalik has added 10M from his own funds. The collaboration is expected to go on for a long time since the stakes are higher. The covid-19 pandemic may eventually leave, but there is a possibility that another pandemic may start gaining momentum. The world will once again have to come up with collective investments, and the health infrastructure must be ready at that time.

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