Injective and Solana achieve cross-chain name service


Injective announced that it, along with Solana, has achieved cross-chain name service. This fuels interoperability with the first-ever omnichain domain release for both sides. This eliminates the need to change the domain while interacting with other ecosystems. Hence, offering an enhanced experience to users. Simply put, users now only have to use a single domain name to transact across the ecosystem of Solana and Injective.

This can be better explained by stating that a user will have the functionality to leverage INJ to have the .sol domain.

It has further paved the way for the integration of Phantom. That better brings Solana and Injective closer to enable connectivity with Solana. One can begin their omnichain domain experience with Injective by first connecting their wallet to the platform. Needless to say, it is imperative to have a digital wallet.

Navigate to the search bar and look for the desired domain. Click Register to move on with the process. Payments are processed in the native token, which is INJ. Injective has underlined that the process could take a few minutes. Once the domain is created, users can find it at the wallet address, which is located at the top right corner.

An omnichain domain release has been defined as a major technical breakthrough, along with a massive improvement to the user experience. It has also brought Solana and Injective closer to each other as more developers find it attractive to venture out on the two of the fastest chains in the world of crypto.

No matter how attractive the announcement sounds, it has yet to reflect bullish signals on native tokens.

INJ has slipped by 1.69% in the last 24 hours, and SOL is down by 4.54% during the same time window. They are exchanging hands at $34.61 and $111.67, respectively, at the time of articulating this piece.

The technical aspect brings out the development in a more colorful manner. It is now an unprecedented innovation in the space of blockchain. Solana and Injective initially began planning to accomplish the same a year ago. It was only later last year that the process was stress tested on the testnet and monitored on the same.

It has now mitigated technical complexities for users who can seamlessly hop into another ecosystem without going through an extra step. Moving forward, Solana and Injective plan to enhance the developer experience by further unifying their ecosystems. That is expected to happen through the launch of inSVM, marking the first-ever Solana-focused rollup.

That said, users who want to create a .inj name service can head over to the official website of Injective and navigate their way to Connect on the page. Select a preferred wallet, click on search, type the domain name to check its availability, and proceed with the self-explanatory process.

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