Louis Vuitton introduces phygital Treasure Trunk NFTs


Louis Vuitton, which is an absolute up-market fashion house, has come out with its collection of phygital Treasure Trunk NFTs, which will provide the owners the opportunity of being able to connect with all of their futuristic products, as well as the entire exposure and coming in contact with an entire community of the token owners. The pricing of the NFTs has been kept at an amount of more than $41,000, with the initial collection containing a couple of hundred pieces. As per the information received from Vogue Business, this venture is pertaining to their latest Via idea, which has stemmed from the word road in Latin. All of this, however, is targeted toward the complete upper class. 

The Louis Vuitton trunks are known to be legendary because of their historical influence, as well as the sheer mastery of the art of craftsmanship. It speaks of a certain social standing and therefore is not a part of the normal humdrum available in the market. Every single collectible will come with a Soulbound NFT tag, which signifies the fact that it is not only unsaleable but also cannot be handed over to any other person.

Furthermore, the entity will also be delivering further benefits to the owners from time to time. In the case of the Treasure Trunk holders, it is made possible for them to buy the digital keys that open the doors towards futuristic phygital Louis Vuitton NFT collections. They, however, need to be from the U.S., Canada, France, the U.K., Germany, Japan, and Australia. On the 16th of June, 2023, they will be in the position of being able to buy the NFTs. 

Previously, the entity had introduced a free mobile game called Louis the Game. This game explored the rich and vibrant history associated with the brand. There were also rewards offered to deserving players who also stood to obtain the one-of-its-kind digital postcards. All of this shows the company’s inclination towards the NFT market and its growing significance.

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