Moonbirds and Spotify Launch NFT Gated Playlist


Ethereum-based NFT project, Moonbirds, is making noise with Spotify. Holders of the pixelated owl profile pictures (PFPs) can now unlock exclusive musical content on the world-famous music streaming service.

Moonbirds’ limited-edition playlist on Spotify dubbed “Sound of a Digital Renaissance”, curated by the Song Birds and Danny Lee, consists of multi-genre hits from iconic artists like Diplo and Tame Impala. However, as usual, all good things come with a catch: to access the tunes, Moonbirds holders must come from specific countries (the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Azerbaijan and Australia) and be a part of the Android club. 

Despite these potential barriers, this collaboration highlights another fantastic opportunity for the Moonbirds team to work with renowned Web2 brands to deliver an exciting, novel experience for community members and to bolster the NFT project. 

Spotify Expands its Web3 Horizons

This isn’t the first time Spotify has created a buzz in the Web3 arena. Earlier this year, the music streaming giant formed a tactical relationship with BAYC supergroupKingship, to offer exclusive playlist access to BAYC members. Like Moonbirds, Kinship’s  Spotify tracks were only available to Android users, following Apple Inc’s policy restrictions regarding NFT functionalities. 

Must read: Apple Bans NFT-Gated Content from its Popular Appstore (

Nevertheless, Spotify’s foray into the Web3 world indicates a new wave of cross-sector alliances, promising a more immersive and interconnected digital ecosystem. As the Web3 arena advances, it will be interesting to see how Spotify takes advantage of its growing expertise in blockchain technology to enhance its music streaming service and continue maintaining its position as a streaming leader in the music world. 

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