MOTHER meme coin opens Pandora’s Box, Ethereum founder reacts


Iggy Azalea, a top celebrity Australian rapper and founder of the viral meme coin Mother Iggy (MOTHER), which rallied 1000x, is reported to have opened Pandora’s Box after challenging Ethereum (ETH) founder Vitalik Buterin on the X platform over personal financial gains from transaction fees on the Ethereum (ETH) Blockchain. 

Amid this, ETFSwap (ETFS), a viral Ethereum token selling fast in its ICO presale, is headlining the crypto community alongside Iggy Azalea’s crypto remarks, which have caused widespread, controversial discussions.

ETFSwap (ETFS) top-notch DeFi utilities draws market-wide attention to viral ICO presale 

ETFSwap’s viral ICO presale is selling out fast by the minute, with massive buy orders from top crypto whales and smart investors. Famous market experts tout its DeFi platform as a revolutionary platform scaling the dynamics of profitable investments.

ETFSwap (ETFS) achieves this feat with its unique DeFi platform, bringing a host of robust utilities and solutions that guarantee the profitability of investors and smart traders. ETFSwap is a futuristic DeFi trading platform that boasts a wide array of highly sought-after tokenized ETFs and cryptocurrencies in the global crypto ETF markets. The DeFi platform bridges the gap of retail access to highly profitable institutional-grade products, including tokenized ETFs, which are the rave of the moment. The highly sought-after tokenized ETFs available for trading on the DeFi platform include market, leveraged, spot Ethereum, spot Bitcoin, commodity and fixed-income ETFs. 

Smart investors easily access these tokenized ETF investments at the snap of their fingertips by swapping the ETFS utility token for desired cryptocurrencies and ETFs. Smart traders and investors also benefit from 50x leverage, which can be used to scale profit returns up to 5,000%. The tokenized ETFs listed on the DeFi platform are obtained from top profitable sectors, including agriculture, energy, healthcare, and technology. 

Smart traders and investors are exposed to a $10 trillion traditional ETF economy when they trade the listed tokenized ETFs on the DeFi platform. ETFSwap (ETFS) users and traders also have unlimited access to tokenize real-world assets for on-chain trading and leverage a playground of smart money and institutional players. Instant settlements of all investor-tokenized funds are guaranteed upon redemption requests.

Asset staking and yield farming on the ETFSwap (ETFS) DeFi platform are unique features that present opportunities for investors and traders to earn a passive income and build wealth at zero investment risk. Smart traders and investors can earn rewards up to 87% APR when they provide liquidity and stake assets on the DeFi platform. 

All these fantastic profitable trading features on the ETFSwap DeFi platform are leveraged by smart investors in a secure and private trading environment. ETFSwap has been verified by top global security firm CyberScope as a secure trading platform, having undergone smart contract audits.

IggyAzalea’s  Mother meme coin price steps on the brakes amid feud with Ethereum founder 

Iggy Azalea’s Mother Iggy (MOTHER) meme coin, which took the crypto industry by surprise with a 1000x rally upon launch in the markets,  has failed to continue its bullish rally amid Azalea receiving a backlash from the crypto community. Iggy Azalea, who had directed a comment to Ethereum Founder Vitalik Buterin on the X platform, which insinuated that he diverts trading fees on the Ethereum network for his selfish gains, has received market-wide criticism for not having proper education on how the Blockchain works.

Top market experts now blame Iggy Azalea’s Blockchain ignorance on the industry’s poor marketing of crypto education. According to coinmarketcap trading data, Mother Iggy (MOTHER) meme coin trades at $0.19 at press time.

Conclusion on ETFSwap as a DeFi utility altcoin to surpass Mother Iggy 1000x gains 

ETFSwap (ETFS) top-notch DeFi utilities are placing it above popular meme coins, including Iggy Azalea’s Mother Iggy (MOTHER) meme coin, as market experts forecast a 2500x rally upon grand token launch into the crypto markets in the coming weeks. This means ETFSwap investors are set to profit more than early investors in Iggy Azalea’s Mother Iggy meme coin.

For more information about the ETFS presale:-

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