Musk and Sunak sit for a casual, yet serious, AI discussion


The inaugural AI Safety Summit has seen many important personalities mark their presence. This has paved the way for what the future could be—AI-filled. The two faces to have gained the most limelight are Rishi Sunak and Elon Musk. While it is purely normal for the Tesla CEO to be the center of attention, it was nice to see a young politician productively discuss the future of technology that is very likely to affect humanity across the globe.

Their concern was how AI would be implemented, regulated, and secured within boundaries to avoid any adverse effects on humanity.

Musk immediately declared that Artificial Intelligence will be a positive force, adding that there are also a few remote possibilities that it could be detrimental. In particular, he indicated that the probability of AI going bad is not 0%. Given that no structured method for implementing AI has yet been developed, this makes sense. Considering the benefits and drawbacks, a road map to protect the world from AI’s potentially destructive implementation still requires significant effort.

Therefore, Musk believes it is nice to see people taking AI seriously, and the summit will go down in history as an important one.

Both agreed AI could be one of the most disruptive forces in history. Also, they have realized that benefits would span generations: a universal income increase and unlimited job creation. People could be earning more with limited work, and there would be a lot of jobs being done, further creating new ones to complement the efforts of human beings.

As for regulations, Elon Musk highlighted the importance of having a referee in the arena and expressed his support for regulations on AI-related segments. He added that the deployment of AI has to be done with keeping everyone in mind, that is, in a human-centric and trustworthy manner.

Musk concluded that AI will lead to an age of abundance. This will be a time when goods and services will not be in short supply. Shockingly, there is a word on AI companionship being one of the best forms of friendship among humans. This is a hint that the next generation, or the current generation in its senior years, will rely on technology to seek friendly companionship.

Overall, Rishi Sunak and Elon Musk sat down for a chat in an interview-like manner. Words on AI are both satisfying and scary. Needless to say, AI taking over the world is inevitable. The best humans can do is embrace the transition, seek employment and pay security from governments, and explore how they can use technology in their favor.

Elon Musk stated that the US and the UK are AI powerhouses and their aligned vision is a positive thing. Moreover, he sought out other global powers to come forward and participate in such discussions. Korea and France will host the next AI Safety Summit in 2024.

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