Opera Browser Drops an Instant NFT Minting Feature


Good news for NFT collectors! The Web3 Opera browser has announced a new NFT-themed feature. In collaboration with Alteon LaunchPad, Opera now allows its users to mint NFTs with little effort instantly. 

“We’re happy to announce our partnership with @Alteon_io, aiming to make Web3 and the creation of NFTs more accessible for any digital artists inside Opera’s Crypto Browser!” an official announcement said.

How These NFTs are Minted 

One of the barriers to entry that some people face in the NFT world is needing the technical know-how to write code from scratch to create assets. But Opera’s new feature will help them get around it. 

The feature allows users to drag and drop any file they want into the browser. Then, the files are automatically converted to NFTs, the smart contract is written, and the assets are then firmly on the blockchain.

This fantastic new feature will arrive on Opera in the first quarter of 2023 and will be on the left-hand sidebar of the browser. Burgeoning NFT creators will likely be excited about this feature as it requires little technical know-how and allows them to create NFTs from any file. An image on their device? A random PDF file? An audio file? All can instantly become NFTs with this tool.

Learn more >> The Ultimate NFT Guide

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