Pump.fun Exploiter Arrested in London, Addresses Scandal in X Posts

Crypto Live News

Author: Elena R

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Elena is an expert in technical analysis and risk management in cryptocurrency market. She has 10+year experience in writing – accordingly she is avid journalists with a passion towards researching new insights coming into crypto erena.

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Media reports have confirmed that the individual who exploited $1.9 million from the meme coin marketplace Pump.fun was recently arrested in London. The exploiter has been identified as Jarrett Dunn, a former Pump.fun employee. Dunn is accused of leveraging admin privileges and flash loans to siphon nearly $2 million. Using the alias StackOverflow on X, he posted erratically, threatened legal action against Pump.fun, and claimed to have been released on bail. Dunn resides in a hospital and plans to stay in the UK before his court appearance in August. Pump.fun has yet to comment on the situation. 1/2

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