Sachin Tendulkar partners with Rario & embraces the NFT world


For the Cricketing world’s superstar, Sachin Tendulkar, this is a momentous occasion, with him joining up and forming an exclusive partnership, which is now official, with Rario. This very entity happens to be a properly licensed cricket paraphernalia platform in the virtual world. It would be his first step towards connecting with the present virtual world and its non-fungible tokens (NFT). Reliable sources in the Rario camp have claimed that this is a very exciting and encouraging scenario, as Sachin Tendulkar, on his part, has now become a tactical investor.

However, the actual highlighting factor is that he will be offering all the cricket-based digital paraphernalia he currently possesses for his millions of fans worldwide to purchase. It will be conducted only on However, on his part, Sachin Tendulkar himself takes the opportunity to air his viewpoint and states that he, too, is extremely thrilled with this partnership. In his understanding, all his millions of fans worldwide play an integral part in his personal and cricketing life.

Therefore, he strongly feels that through the NFT scenario on metaverse, people are drawn closer to sports in general, and cricket in particular, which according to him, will simply be spectacular. Besides, on this point, he is on the same page as Rario, where the aim and intention are to create a healthy cricketing community.

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