So your solution to the very real and challenging questions of how to properly regulate a technology that can revolutionize the financial system is to… turn it into the existing system? It seems as though your goals are not aligned with those of most of the early adopters.
— exlawyer.eth/tez (@exlawyernft) October 20, 2022
@SBF_FTX you can advocate Effective Altruism, or you can advocate banning 80 million innocent Iranians from the future of global finance.
You can’t do both.
Glorifying OFAC in proposed crypto-industry standards is a *non-starter.*
— Erik Voorhees (@ErikVoorhees) October 19, 2022
8) In particular, it is *not* making claims about what DeFi devs, smart contracts, and validators must do. It’s looking to eventually establish guidelines about how e.g. FTX’s platform–or Fidelity’s–could interface with DeFi contracts.
— SBF (@SBF_FTX) October 23, 2022
With respect.
This absolutely sucks.
You’re saying DeFi should be OFACed.
You’re saying onchain freeze’s should be normal.
You’re saying DeFi front-ends to register as a broker-dealer.
No, this is not reasonable.
This would eliminate the U.S. from the crypto race.
(@RyanSAdams) October 19, 2022
17) Anyway: I totally understand that lots of people will disagree with me on various points. That’s great—it means I have people to learn from.
And I really do think that regulation is going to get better, clearer, and create pathways for crypto to come back onshore.
— SBF (@SBF_FTX) October 23, 2022
18)While I don’t myself wear glasses, I’m excited to join our bespectacled brethren. It’s a huge honor to see the passion and intensity with which Bitboy regards me.
Maybe someday I’ll feel as strongly about something as he does about
— SBF (@SBF_FTX) October 23, 2022
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