Subsquid partners with Aleph Zero to focus on data tooling and WASM


Subsquid has published an official blog post to announce its partnership with Aleph Zero, with a core focus on data tooling and WASM. Subsquid has previously provided indexing support to its community of builders. The recently announced partnership merely takes that forward to collaborate with the core team on infrastructure and data tooling.

Aleph Zero’s builders will get all the assistance they need in the form of a step-by-step guide, with a keynote asking builders to use the substrate template. It can be auto-generated through the init command. This comes in handy when dealing with ink smart contracts like @subsiquid/ink-abi and @subsiquid/ink-typegen.

@subsiquid/ink-abi, a performant library, assists in decoding the binary contract data with the help of the contract ABI. @subsiquid/ink-typegen on the other hand, is a tool that can be leveraged to generate type-safe TypeScript classes along with interfaces for the contract event.

Builders are encouraged to join the Subsquid Discord channel to keep up with the latest developments. They can even ask technical questions or participate in several in-depth discussions, which helps builders grow in the ecosystem.

Ink! looks to provide the advantage of offering a more open ecosystem to developers, letting them expand the WASM implementation in Rust. This helps new builders the most.

Through their powerful framework, the Subsquid and Aleph Zero teams will pursue marketing campaigns and growth initiatives to bring millions of users onboard the Web3 ecosystem.

For high-performance business applications, consider Aleph Zero, a layer-1 blockchain platform. It uses the unique and well-received AlephBFT consensus protocol. Aleph Zero’s mix of MPC (short for Multi-Party Computations) and Zero-Knowledge proofs makes it advantageous because it guarantees the finality of a transaction almost instantly while still protecting users’ anonymity.

What facilitates the near-instant finality is the utilization of Directed Acyclic Graph architecture as an intermediary data structure. It is then incorporated into the substrate as a solo chain. Its smart contract pallet merely takes advantage of Ink! to compile to WASM.

Aleph Zero is expected to introduce Liminal in the current year, 2023. Liminal is a software-based privacy layer that is based on zero-knowledge proofs and multi-party computation.

Subsquid provides the ability to create customized GraphQL APIs and ETLs, as well as testing and deployment support for the same. It was developed primarily for blockchain-based applications. The Subsquid team is responsible for the creation of squids, which currently power hundreds of applications across many EVM, WASM, and Substrate-based chains.

Subsquid houses modular architecture and several advanced features for developers. Developers can head over to Discord for better support and conversations with the developer community. Subsquid and Aleph Zero joining forces for WASM and Data Tooling are likely to make way for more similar partnerships in the ecosystem.

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