thirdweb launches Web3 Warrior


thirdweb, on May 18, 2023, announced the launch of Web3 Warrior. The onchain game is built on the network of Base, allowing the players to experience a seamless transition to the world of Web3 gaming. 

Winners can claim $BATTLE tokens, while every player can upgrade their digital avatar through an in-game shop. All they have to do is buy a non-fungible token.

Some of the features introduced by thirdweb in Web3 Warrior are as follows:

  • A hundred percent ownership of in-game assets
  • Decentralized gaming ecosystem
  • A chance to earn value from gameplay

The transformation to the Web3 gaming world is facilitated by Gaming SDK, further offering signless transactions with no backend. Moreover, players do not need to connect their wallets to block the flow of the game.

Web2 Warrior is one of the many projects that have been constructed by thirdweb. Others include Invisible Wallet, Gasless, Unity SDK, and Gaming Contracts. Web3 games are leveraging the maximum potential of innovation and technology. The fact that they majorly support NFT, now offering 100% ownership to players to the greatest extent, is a sign that the world may soon head over to Web3 gaming.

Many more reasons exist to support developers and their endeavors of making games in Web3. For instance, networking partners enable developers to build comparatively faster without having to set up any database. They only have to utilize the potential of blockchain technology to load assets and user data.

Web3 gaming is opening up a new revenue stream. While this looks to attract the gaming community the most, it equally works well for the brand. Streaming gameplay aligns with the mission of developers to increase engagement. There is a broader scope to collect royalty fees based on how many in-game assets are being used from the marketplace.

All this is followed by interoperability. Meaning the assets go beyond functioning in a specific game. Players have the liberty to take the in-game assets outside of that virtual ecosystem into another gaming ecosystem.

Notably, Web3 Warrior by thirdweb was built in a record time of 3 weeks. The on-chain game is said to demonstrate the best usage of Web3 and existing technology. Developers do not need to worry about the backend or server, allowing them to focus on bringing out the best experience.

The introduction of Web3 Warrior by thirdweb follows the launch of Wallet SDK dated May 05, 2023. The aim is to build a great connected wallet flow in the sphere of Web3.

Wallet SDK is basically a development kit that grants developers access to a catalog of wallets. Components included in Wallet SDK are Local Wallet, Smart Wallet, Connect Wallet v2, and Wallet Connectors. Additionally, thirdweb supports batch transactions to let customers bundle multiple transactions into a single transaction.

Credit: Source link

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