USPTO grants a patent license to Theta for data streaming & delivery network


Theta Labs has announced securing the patent license from USPTO for its Tracker Service In Decentralized Data Streaming And Delivery Network. It can be verified at the official website of the USPTO by entering the patent number 11,659,015 B2. Alternatively, it can be verified by the pdf that has been published by Theta Labs.

The receipt of the patent license validates the approach of Theta to a decentralized video streaming service that has been built by them. The streaming network, per the patent application form, is a multi-layer global cache that has peer viewers, Edge Nodes, and CDN Servers.

Data fragments and payments are coordinated by the tracker servers. Patent 11,659,015 B2 is one of the many patents secured by Theta in recent times. For instance, it also has a patent for ultra-high transaction throughput micropayments along with preventing denial-of-service attacks in decentralized edge rewards, decentralized DRM via non-fungible tokens, and methods & systems for peer node discovery.

Making it crucial to secure a patent license from USPTO is the need to protect the technology developed by Theta to better differentiate itself in the industry. Moreover, it is strategic to the key partnerships with Sony, Samsung, Google, NASA, ABS-CNN, and WPT, to mention a few. Some of the innovative offerings of Theta are Theta Wallet, Theta Explorer, and Theta Ledger.

Edge Network, recently patented by the venture, consists of P2P connections that are implemented on top of CDN, short for Content Delivery Network. These are backed by the CDN servers to provide data resources, making them a hybrid network. Other elements are Edge Nodes, a payment service module, and tracker servers.

The mechanism is pretty simple, beginning with Edge Nodes transmitting client statistics to a tracker server where cacher location and performance specifications are already available. The Tracker server then provides caching instructions to enable Edge Node to download fragments of data files.

The second method is to first receive a peer list request and extract the content type of the data file from the peer list request. It goes on to generate a cacher peer list, followed by the tracker server sending the list to the viewer peer node.

This specific development is reflecting positively on the community, with the native token estimated to climb above $1 by the end of 2023. The value of THETA currently stands at the fallen value of $0.8704, with a 0.46% fall in the last 7 days. According to a THETA price prediction, the token can also cross the mark of $2 by the end of the next year. Suffice it to say all the factors and developments must align for this growth.

Theta obtaining patent 11,659,015 B2 follows the development wherein it successfully integrated WalletConnect to Theta Wallet, extending the support to the developers of decentralized applications. The integration can be experienced in Android and iOS.

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